What is the role of a Translator?

There are 7139 languages spoken today all around the globe, in over 195 different countries, each with their own rules and cultures. Communication is everything; it is a crucial part of our daily lives and translation is one of the keys to areciprocaland fruitful understanding between human beings. A translator, simply put, is a facilitator as translationfacilitates communication among people. Thus, we can look at a translation agency as being made of up of a whole team of facilitators who enable communication and understanding by means of their translation work. The globe relies on translation to break language barriers; therefore, a translator or a translation agency bears huge responsibility in this regard. Translators, who may either be self-employed or working for a translation agency, are language experts who read, comprehend and translate written texts from one language to another. They speak at least two languages at a very proficient level. Translators are able to connect tw...