Best Translation Agency in Malta

A translation error refers to any incorrectness or any inconsistency between the source text and the translated text. This includes misunderstanding or misinterpreting the source text, sometimes due to overreliance on CAT tools. Common translation mistakes may take the form of punctuation or lexical errors, additions or omissions, wrong terminology, ambiguities, syntax problems, or simply being too literal. Among these, mistranslation rates as the most serious error and is considered graver than a grammar mistake or a typo. A professional translation company invests in its human and material resources and in its sales and marketing strategies, and spends time, energy and money in order to build a solid client relationship and earn its clients’ trust. Certain translation errors can put all this into jeopardize. Prospective clients may be shunned away by errors on websites, while grave mistakes in the translation of technical manuals may result in damage or injury or have legal consequ...