Translation Agency in Malta


Our Translation Agency in 2022

Euris Consult is a leading Translation Agency in Malta but even though we are locally based, our database is proud to include several language service providers from across the world. We have built this database over the years in order to ensure the best possible quality for each of the languages, since it is important for us that each and every translation is translated, edited and proofread by a native person and an expert in the target language. Our list of freelancers is still constantly growing. In fact, our new freelancers are carefully selected using a step-by-step process starting off with a test to assess the translator’s linguistic capacities from different angles, followed by review and evaluation from our inhouse quality control team. In this quest for quality, focus on finding the best providers has led to a varied localisation environment, so that today we collaborate and work with both major multilingual service providers as well as single language vendors.

It is not all that simple however to ensure that our translators are fluent with the language and proficient in translation skills. Aside from the academic qualifications that every member of our team needs to be in possession of, we also strive to make sure that different language services providers in the same language are confident and experienced in the translation of specific fields and technical areas. Within certain subject areas, it can be challenging for one provider to handle several languages without quality being affected. Thus, our translation agency makes sure that our suppliers have ample experience in their own specialisation fields and in a broad field of subjects, using our shared databases, reference material, and terminology banks. 

On the other hand, by encouraging our translators to collaborate together and translate various types of documents and handling large projects, our translators have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and acquire new skills while consolidating their translation techniques. This obviously also entails doing the necessary research before each project, following sector-specific or client-specific guidelines and continuously liaising both with the client and the inhouse team to ensure guidance throughout the project and thorough reviews, ultimately leading to an excellent end product for our clients.

In spite of the challenging times experienced worldwide and by multiple industries in these recent years, and despite the specific threats to the translation business due to machine translations and automation among others, our translation agency’s high demands for quality remain unchanged. It is crucial to think of the future and develop the technology and systems in general. In this regard, Euris Consult Limited, as one of the main translation agencies in Malta, bravely embraces the challenges in the translation sector to move forward as a company and deliver the best service to our clients.

Please email us on if you require the services of a translation agency in Malta and we will provide you with a quote for free.


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